Thursday 10 January 2013

I've Arrived!

Hello?.......Hello?.....Anyone there? I'm here in case anyone has been waiting to hear from me.....
I have arrived. One day after the day I was due to come ( I prefer even numbers), on Tuesday the 18th ( Tuesday's child full of grace!), in the Year of the Dragon ( like my Mummy and Daddy) and in the month of December ( making me a Sagittarius!)

One minute old

Already so alert and ready to go

Being weighed

With Henny, Mummy's midwife

Bonding with Daddy

So here is how it all began....I'll let Mummy and Daddy tell their side of the story before this blog becomes mine.

So Pip decided to let me know she was coming around 5am on the Tuesday morning. I was so relieved that today was the day,especially as Christmas was looming and everyone was going away. We had a lovely breakfast with Jasper and Felix before they went off to kindergarten and then we could get on with the day. So much for going Christmas shopping! Now I wasnt planning on straying very far at all from home. We did go for a walk up to the bakery and around the block and normally this would be a 10min walk, this time it took me well over an hour and I couldnt help wondering whether Pip was going to be a giving her mummy a quicker entry than I was used to.

Henny came around to check up on me and give me some acupunture which was great. As things were progressing nicely, but not quickly she left and Barny and I got on with the day.Barny was outside clearing the gutters while I was inside ironing. Very domesticated!We even thought a game of scrabble would be a good idea but the game never got taken out of the box as things began hotting up.

I realy enjoyed a long hot shower in the early afternoon, so much so that the water ran out ( this has never happened before!) and then Barny went off for a run. I was quite relieved when he returned though because we were at home I felt very relaxed as I could just potter around, not really doing anything but keeping active.  I did feel a little strange around 330 pm when I knew I wouldnt be seeing the boys that day though we were lucky that we had Karin and Carsten around the corner with whom they could stay the night with so that I didnt feel any pressure to 'hurry up!'

Henny returned around 5pm and this was good timing as I could tell things were really moving along. Barny filled the pool and Murphys Law would have it that the water ran out again so pots on the element were deployed to help the process along. Thankfully the water did come back as it was a crucial element to us birthing Matilda!

I got into the pool around 6.30pm and there I stayed until I had her at 9.28pm. The pool was a godsend as I really relished the chance to be completely immersed and then allowing myself to float in between contractions. Quite an amazing experience really. The whole water birth experience was so uniquely special and one which I will never forget. When Henny told me that 'pip was waiting and what was I waiting for?' it was all the encouragement I needed so with two strong but calm pushes out came Matilda into the water. What an incredible experience to scoop up out daughter and bring her up to us. Matilda Florence Kate Hampson was born in the calmness of the night, by the Christmas tree with Mozart playing. What a calm entry into this world and she played along with this fairy tale as well, coming out serenely and alert, wise and ready for her family. A perfect day.

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