Sunday 11 August 2013

My first summer holiday in Croatia

My first week in Dubrovnik

Lots of sand to eat! how can I navigate these stairs now that Ive sorted the crawling business?

Souring the skies of Dubrovnik

Our new home for a week

Cooling Mummy down after her run

Daddy and I

Milke and I
Joining my brother with some capoeira

Beach time
Look where Daddy put Felix and I when he was sorting the car out! On the pavement!
So Mummy and Daddy kept putting me to sleep in my bassinet and one day I decided to give them a fright because when they came to get me I was nearly climbing out! Monkey!

I loved being in the water all summer. I was happy just to float around and smile



Getting stuck into the watermelon

oooh trying and....

Im up. 7 months old and Im already up and trying to move around the furniture!

Brother and I

I love my brothers

With my Farfar

With my Granny Moo

I have had a busy time in Croatia. I have learnt to get into mischief now that I am crawling everywhere. Ive also started to stand up by using the furniture. Sometimes Daddy would put me down and I would make my way to find mummy 10 metres away! I did lots of swimming this holiday and I really love the water. Im very brave you see.  had lots of fun cuddling with Poppa and Milke, Granny Moo and Farfar and Aunty Bex. So many cuddles to give!  Oops I also forgot to say I can wave and clap! Arent I getting busy?  So now Im 7 months nothing is stopping me. What will I have in store for my next month?